Bestie Mode

There can be a myriad of reasons why someone might want new friends. They’ve just moved city. Their current friends are more like acquaintances / few and far between / into different things / becoming decidely toxic. But think about this for a moment. Finding new friends as an adult. Sounds about as easy as doing Tough Mudder post bender, right?
Originally a dating app, Bumble has introduced Bumble BFF mode. Swipe right for friendship. Painfree, fun and exciting sounds awesome right about now. So does having friends that get all excited about the same things as me.
While your at it why not find a bestie for your fur-baby and make friends with fellow dog lovers alike? Twindog is an app that allows you to connect with dogs and owners in your area. Left or right? Why not let your buddy decide. Lets face it how could you possibly be friends if they don’t like your partner in crime? Foolproof.
Brb gotta check my matches!