
7 Step Recovery Challenge

By roobixops

Heading into party season, my beloved Geisha has been pumping four nights a week. I think the word ‘brutal’ was invented to describe my last 3 Mondays. However, it has enabled me to road test and hone my recovery session prep. So now, let me present the proven 7 Step Recovery Challenge. Kinda like the 7 Day Ab challenge, only that you end up with abs if you don’t follow the plan. A couple days’ vomiting gives you killer ab muscles…a mate told me…yeah…anyway….
This is the tried and true on how to prepare for game days — wait….game weekend? Game weekender? Game bender? Anyway… step by step guide to ensure your recovery game is as strong as your party game;

Suss out which co-worker is most sympathetic to the cause. Subtly butter ‘em up. Come the end of the week take them out to lunch and drop in an “oohh by the way, i’ve been meaning to ask…” The entire purpose being to get them to agree to log you on to your computer Monday morning.
Check the weather for a cheeky beach swim. Vitamin D wins everything bitches. Just avoid the main drags….you really don’t want your boss’ wife spotting you decorating the sand at Cott with vomit and snot — while she’s hand in hand with her tiny tot.
Prebook your booty call. We all know sex does you the world of wonders. ‘nuff said.
Prepare your loungeroom for “Nestflix & Chill”. If you’re confident you’ll score cuddles with the booty — make a lounge nest of pillows, doona, blankets. Check that Netflix subscription and cue up a list of goodies. Get those super-cute-super-fluffy pyjamas ready.
Next up — the all-important supermarket stop. Pick up Gatorade, mineral water, Panadol, chips in a stomach-safe flavour like Original or Chives & Onion. Don’t forget bananas for potassium and condoms for peace of mind.
Now, trust me on this one — order takeaway food. Resist temptation, don’t even take one bite. Store it in the fridge for hangover microwaved bliss.
Bucket beside the bed. Just in case.
Good, now that we got that sorted — check out our Facebook page and start planning that next killer weekend already!