
Love to Melbs

By roobixops

Melbourne have had it rough this year when it comes to Coronavirus. However, over the last couple of weeks, there has been a huge decrease in community transmitted cases.
Yesterday, the state saw only one new case, and zero deaths’. There are currently 136 active cases (0 in intensive care),12 in hospital, with 19,299 recovered.
Some restrictions have eased, you can now travel 25km from your home area instead of 5km. The two hour limit to visit friends/family has now been lifted for outdoor activities. Hairdressers can now work. You can meet up with a maximum of 10 people outside from a maximum of two different households.
Yesterday, in WA is was announced that phase 4 restrictions have been extended (excluding seated venues that will be exempt from the 2 meter rule operating at 60% capacity.)
Hang in there Revolver, we will all eventually come through the other side of this. Imagine the first house party back after full numbers with a big international d.j!
All our love, Perth & Akika xxx