
Akika says: The Changing of the Guard

By roobixops

So, Triple J are changing up the morning guard.

As we farewell the legendary Matt Okine and Alex Dyson after three years of honest brekky commentary together, we welcome in the new kids on the block – Adelaiders Ben Harvey (23) and Liam Stapleton (20), a.k.a. “Ben & Liam”. These guys already have quite a decent rep for being funny, and many people are eager to see what they will make of their time filling the big shoes of Matt & Alex

.Of course, because it’s Triple J, and there is going to be some form of a change, and this is the internet, and it’s Australia, some people are being dicks. Many have indicated outrage at the change, although Matt & Alex have assured the Strayan public that the decision to leave was amicable, stating that “we haven’t been pushed and we’re not jumping… we just decided to move onto different things.”

We all know how much the general public loves change, and this has been prime angry Facebook status fodder for the bogans who only tune in for the Hottest 100 whilst getting cooked on Straya Day.

The thing is, Triple J is a meritocracy, and is all about giving a fair go to the deserving. Stations like this promote air time for the people that have earned their buttons doing the hard yards, starting out in free-air local stations, working their way up, doing shitty timeslot shows. They don’t give spots to tacky D-list celebs just to try and cash in on their 15 minutes of dubious fame. Triple J literally “unearths” not just bands, but presenters as well – launching successful careers for those who deserve it. Merrick and Rosso started out with a weekly spot on Drive, and Alex himself started on the station at a very young age.

It’s good to keep things fresh, and to remind us all that youth is not an antonym for hard work and experience. This is a gangbusters opportunity for Ben & Liam – and Triple J’s impeccable track record when it comes to sniffing out talent promises us that breakfast is still going to be as gold as ever. So if people could just shut the hell up and learn to embrace change, that’d be rad.

Image: Triple J