
Hi Fidelity

By roobixops

You may not be aware but I am somewhat of an audiophile and no that doesn’t mean I fuck 15yr old DJs…..I have had an interest in all things sound related since My cousin introduced me to Layo and Bushwaker as an innocent babe in 2004.

If you haven’t already heard, Dr Amar Gopal Bose, founder of the Bose Corporation, died on Friday, 12th July 2013, aged 83.

Whilst I have often criticised Bose products, and will continue to do so, I do not mean to spit on the man’s grave like a lot did with Thatcher just a few short weeks ago. Though I appreciate the philosophy, I credit Bose not with bringing quality audio, but with bringing massive acoustic phase errors to the consumer. Additionally I credit Bose with being at the forefront of consumers unrealistic expectations in regards to loudspeaker performance vs enclosure volume. I could go on, though I shall refrain.

Despite these shortcomings in audio quality, Bose Corp has made some clever bits and pieces over the years. “Noise cancelling” headphones and headsets (for the aviation industry); the plastic cover with integrated handle for the 802 loudspeaker (makes conversion to an esky very simple), and major advancements in DSP (in an attempt to correct deficiencies in their various loudspeakers).

As a relatively young industry, we have seen huge and rapid advancements in technology. It is always sad to hear of the passing of those who have shaped the audio industry around us. It begs a question of us….. What will the next audio flavour of the month be? And will it be an advancement?

As I play an analogue recording through an all analogue signal path, with my linear response and phase coherent multi-way loudspeakers, placed to millimetre accuracy carefully measured in my dedicated Hi-Fi room, my neighbours play MP3 encoded digital audio files through computer speakers at total harmonic distortion (ha!). I think they might be better off with a Bose system.

So raise a glass tonight,

Cheers, to Dr Bose