
“The Band Aid”

By roobixops

After perusing the garment sale at a little city boutique called David something last week I stumbled upon a “mobile youth resource centre” bus on Wellington St. This coaster was a four wheeled band aid for all the ills besetting youth today….glossy brochures on flat colour topics like solvent sniffing , genital warts, amphetamines, aids, needle use, living out of home, young mothers support…etc…etc…

One brochure was particularly heart warming offering support services for young people and sponsored by Burswood Casino – obviously putting a bit back to offset gamings contribution to family breakdown. The lotteries commission was also a sponsor “Millions Won, Thousands Helped” the smug logo read. Wouldn’t it be great if the Lotto life meant a better life for everyone and not just one lucky power ball winner who is to borrow a phrase “outta here”

Pride of place was a solemn poster citing the declaration of human rights and the convention of child rights – “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and it is the right of the child to participate freely in cultural life” Funny that because I see kids in the city late at night who don’t seem to be celebrating their freedom or savouring a rich culture….they just look bored , drunk, high and young!

The bus really should be treating the parental parasite and not the hapless host. Send it post haste to Burswood to collect the parents of these young cultural explorers. Present them with the brochure titled “If you don’t give a fuck about your kid let someone else care for them”…Better to steal this generation than to watch the inevitable downward spiral… By the way I got some really nice boots, a Collette Dinnigan cocktail dress and a deliciously large box of macaroons. It’s a beautiful world we live in isn’t it ?