
Laws that make me lol

By roobixops

Japan has recently reformed archaic laws that banned dancing in nightclubs after midnight. This got me curious as to what other……questionable……laws pertaining to music and dancing existed around the world. I wasn’t disappointed. Check these out;
• Australia – It is illegal to be heard singing an obscene song.
• Victoria, Australia: It is illegal to be involved in a rain dance.
• Monroe, Utah, America – Daylight must be visible between partners on a dance floor.
• Purdy, Missouri, America – Dancing is strictly prohibited.
• New York City, New York, America – The No-Dancing Law states that a business must have a cabaret license in the case that three or more people are dancing in an establishment.
• Florida, America – It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit.
• Saudi Arabia – music is forbidden and this especially applies to music classes in school.
• Sweden – a club, bar or restaurant requires a special “dance license” in order to allow patrons to spontaneously move to the music.
• France – Between the hours of 8am and 8pm, 70% of music broadcast on the radio must be by French artists.
• Greece – It is illegal to dance naked in the Acropolis.
• U.K. – It’s illegal to have sex under the pier while Morris dancing.