The Top Ten Things You Need To Do This Summer

1. Finish that one thing (or list of things) that you’ve been meaning to do for ages. Seriously. Aren’t you sick of “never getting around to it”? How amazing would you feel if you had NOTHING nagging at you, no incomplete loose ends to be tied up? Do this as fast as you can, so that you can enjoy one summer of absolute guilt-free leisure time. Just set aside a day next weekend and DO ALL THE DAMN THINGS.
2. Try out at least 5 new restaurants or bars. Perth has so much awesome stuff popping up constantly, you’re missing out if you’re living here and not giving things a go. Ever been to Sneaky Tony’s? Frisk? Big El’s Latin American Fusion? HulaBula Bar? Alabama Song? Henry Song? It doesn’t have to break the bank, you can go in on a late arvo and have one well-made cocktail or a whisky with a friend. Bam, $15 is all it takes. If you want to try a restaurant, save a little coin and go there for lunch instead of dinner. Just Treat. Yo. Self!
3. Try and listen to just one podcast. I know, I know, you’re not a podcast person. You don’t have time. Etc. Well, neither was I, until I was at work and someone put on “My Favourite Murder”. Now I MAKE the time (usually while driving around). Just give it a go. You have nothing to lose.
4. Learn how to cook a new thing! Your flatmates/partner will be stoked to be taste-testers for you. Go all out and make it a theme thing. Learning how to make something Mexican? Insist on margarita mix, tequila shots, novelty sombreros and fake moustaches for the evening. Just bring a little bit of fun back into the house!
5. Write a hand-written letter to someone. There’s nothing more awesome than getting something in the mail where the address isn’t typed and in a little plastic window. Go on. Make somebody’s day.
6. Wear something that you don’t think looks good on you but is super comfortable. Wear it around the house for doing your bits n bobs, then consider wearing it to the beach or on an errand. I say this as I’m sitting here wearing a crop top and 3/4 tights – super unflattering, but I feel AMAZING! I can feel the warm breeze across my tummy and I just feel so free. It’s time to stop being a dick about your body. You’re awesome. Make yourself happy and comfortable.
7. Get a plant! Plants look amazing anywhere. Start small; get a succulent – you absolutely cannot kill a cactus. Or even get a fake plant! They just liven up any space and scream “SUMMER!”. It’s time to greenify your life, people.
8. Start saving money. Start saving $20 a week. Use a piggy pank. Use a bank account. Use one of those apps that rounds up your purchases and then saves the extra change. Just do it. Just give yourself that extra little bit of security. It’s called investing in yourself guys and it will change your life.
9. Seek out some new music. Look for mixes online, just dedicate a couple of hours at the start of summer to finding new stuff that will see your summer through! There is SO MUCH in the way of epic summer mixes out there, it’s impossible not to fall in love.
10. Try Sex on the Beach ….You know the cocktail.